Civility, Where Have You Gone?

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Civility, where have you gone? It seems like drama has invaded our meeting rooms, taking a seat right alongside us and dropping emotional bombs left and right. The toxic cultures prevalent in many workplaces today make it hard to remember that a more respectful and productive environment is possible. In fact, civility is often the first casualty in these settings, leading to a host of other issues, including drama.

Civility includes behaviors that help preserve the norms for mutual respect in the workplace (or any community). Civility demands that one speaks in ways that are respectful, responsible, and restrained. We avoid behavior that is offensive, rude, demeaning, and threatening.

Drama as the Offspring of Incivility

If the lack of civility had a child, its name would be drama. Anytime we feel threatened, our reactions vary in type and severity. Some people stay silent during meetings but stir up drama afterward by talking to colleagues, not to solve issues but to create diversions. This behind-the-scenes character assassination only exacerbates problems and creates a toxic work environment.

In 2017, the incoming freshmen of the US House of Representatives all agreed that civility had left their chambers and committed to bringing it back. They declared it the Summer of Civility.

America’s political discourse is broken. Too many—whether public servants or members of the public—look upon political adversaries with hostility and vitriol, forgetting that politics is not everything.

The Benefits of Civility in the Workplace

Enhanced Collaboration

When civility reigns, collaboration flourishes. Team members feel more comfortable sharing ideas and working together, leading to more innovative solutions and increased productivity.

Reduced Stress Levels

A civil work environment reduces stress and burnout. Employees feel respected and valued, which boosts morale and overall job satisfaction.

Improved Communication

Civility enhances communication. When people speak respectfully, misunderstandings are minimized, and conflicts are resolved more effectively.

Steps to Foster Civility

Lead by Example

Leadership sets the tone for the rest of the organization. If leaders exhibit civil behavior, employees are more likely to follow suit.

Establish Clear Guidelines

Create and enforce guidelines that outline acceptable behavior and the consequences of incivility. Make it clear that respect is non-negotiable.

Encourage Open Dialogue

Foster an environment where employees feel safe to express their concerns and opinions without fear of retribution. Open dialogue promotes understanding and cooperation.


Civility is more than just a nice-to-have; it’s a crucial element of a successful and harmonious workplace. By fostering a culture of respect, responsibility, and restraint, organizations can enhance collaboration, reduce stress, and improve communication. Let’s all take a step towards a more civil work environment and invite civility back into our boardrooms, offices, and homes.

If you’re looking to foster a more civil work environment, consider booking a consultation with our team to explore how we can help you implement these strategies effectively.