What’s it Like to be on the Other Side of Me?

Listen to the excerpt on kindness from The 5 Rules. Get your copy here.

Understanding kindness truly begins with self-awareness, a lesson I learned from Dr. Randy Ross, a keynote speaker and author of the bestselling book, “Relationomics.” Dr. Ross emphasized the importance of feedback in our personal and professional lives through his experiences raising his daughter.

Following advice from a mentor, Dr. Ross created special moments with his daughter throughout her life. From tea parties to park visits, movie outings, and trips, he used these times to seek her feedback on his parenting. Her constructive comments, mixed with positive affirmations, helped him grow as a father.

Dr. Ross calls feedback “The Breakfast of Champions” for several reasons:

  • It demonstrates humility
  • It reveals potential blind spots
  • It increases self-awareness
  • It helps us see ourselves as others see us
  • It provides insights into growth
  • It strengthens partnerships

The question, “What’s it like to be on the other side of me?” has become a powerful tool in my coaching practice. I encourage others to ask this question when they are ready to hear the honest answer. Kindness is the key to handling whatever response you receive, and it reminds us to treat everyone with the respect we desire for our own family members.